Academy of Well-Being Therapy
The Academy of Well-Being Therapy (WBT) is an organization which certifies competence in the practice of WBT. It organizes the WBT learning process through seminars and individual case supervision, congresses and courses.
The Academy of Well-Being Therapy shares scientific results through the web and editorial products, encourages research projects related to WBT, and cooperates with organizations having common interests.
The Founder and President of the Academy of Well-Being Therapy is Giovanni Fava, the father of Well-Being Therapy.
Recent articles
The Role of Psychological Well-Being in Weight Loss: New Insights from a Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention
Zhu B, Gostoli S, Benasi G, Patierno C, Petroni ML, ...
Well-being therapy and sleep hygiene in a non-clinical population of adults reporting poor sleep quality and distress: A remote pilot randomized controlled study
Benasi G, Malik A, Cheng B, Aggarwal B, Shechter A, ...
The Clinical Science of Euthymia: A Conceptual Map
Jenny Guidi, Giovanni A. Fava Read the Article ...
The emerging role of euthymia in psychotherapy research and practice
Jenny Guidi, Giovanni A. Fava Read the Article ...