WBT course 2018
The first introductory course on WBT has taken place in Venice (Italy) on March 17-18, 2018. Faculty included Giovanni A. Fava, Jesse H. Wright, Chiara Rafanelli, Elena Tomba, Fiammetta Cosci and Jenny Guidi. Participants were from all over the world (from Europe to Iran, from Japan and China to the US). They had the opportunity to have the basic mechanisms of WBT explained and the new applications described.
Giovanni Fava commented: “This has been the first time we attempted to systematically cover the assessment and treatment issues that characterize the WBT revolutionary approach. We are so far away from mainstream, dull psychiatry and we were afraid it was difficult to convey our novelties in a two-day seminar. But our participants demonstrated us that it was possible and were eager to apply what they learnt at home”.
Participants in the First Introductory Course on Well-Being Therapy (Venice, 2018)
Miguel Barbosa (Portugal)
Filipe Barbosa (Portugal)
Antonio Barbosa (Portugal)
Eva-Lotta Brakemeier (Germany)
Simon Bollmann (Germany)
Ajandek Eory (Hungary)
Rosario Esposito (Italy)
Katharina Ledermann (Switzerland)
Paolo Leombruni (Italy)
Giovanni Mansueto (Italy)
Mostafa Ramazani Awal (Iran)
Isabel Schamon (Germany)
Yoshitake Takebayashi (Japan)
Yui Takebayashi (Japan)
Vicky Yotsidi (Greece)
Jianjun Wang (China)